Hello world!
Welcome to Baby Boomer Pragmatist. This purpose of this website is for me to share the steps and processes that I will be going through as I move towards retirement. Initially, I will be focusing on reducing the clutter in my life, financial adjustments, health and wellness issues, and planning how I want to spend my time and resources when I finally do retire.
A pragmatist is someone who takes a practical and focused approach to reach a goal. As I am coming from a medical/scientific background, this seems to be an ideal route for me to take. I am not sure how often I will be posting as I still work full time and have to manage my day to day living activities.
Part of my inspiration for this website is due to a recent health scare and realizing how far I had let things in my life get out of control. When I looked at what my family would have to deal with if the follow-up testing had not ruled out the worst case scenario – it was overwhelming. I feel that documenting what I am doing to move forward will force some accountability and keep me motivated to follow through. If everything works out from the lists we made during our crisis, we estimate that it will take 5 to 10 years to make all of the preparations for retirement. Some things will take less time than others (cleaning out the clutter vs. paying off the mortgage).
This is my first time to build and maintain a website. I am still learning what I will need to add to make it functional. I am hoping to avoid advertising and annoying pop-ups as I develop the site. I am not planning to add social media links like Facebook or Twitter, at least not initially. I also don’t have any idea how many people will even see this website, so if anyone who finds it is interested in receiving notices when I post, contact me and I can set up a feed. I do apologize in advance for the permission buttons for cookies and contacts. The recent privacy regulations that are being put in place both domestically (USA) and internationally now require acceptance for any personal information that could be transmitted over the internet.
Thank you for visiting my site and check back to see my progress.